Become a member in 2025!
Join us for an inspiring information evening. Here we will share all about our unique growing process, the colourful flowers we grow with care, our place in the social economy, and how you can take out a subscription for a year full of floral beauty.
From 7PM until 8PM at GC Essegem, 329 rue Leopold I, 1090 Jette - free entrance reservation required
reserve a spot
About Fleurakker
FleurAkker is a project that celebrates the floral splendour, seasonal changes and wild beauty of nature with you. Just as fruit and vegetables taste best when harvested locally and seasonally, flowers picked close to home and at their peak reflect a true connection to time and place. Nature does not deliver her harvest all at once - each season reproduces its specific beauty.
A CSA flower share is the most sustainable and fair way to fully enjoy all these real beauties! You contribute to the social economy, you help to restore biodiversity, you support agro-ecological farming methods, you maintain green open spaces, you pay a fair price and every week you harvest high quality flowers that are really fresh and long lasting. A wide, seasonal range of form, colour and scent! The flower season starts in March/April and ends late October - depending on the first frost.
The field is located in the Rue du Bois in Jette. In the immediate vicinity of the Bois Du Laerbeek, the university hospital of Jette and the marshland of Jette-Ganshoren. Ideal for a day out in nature, a walk or a bike ride, with fresh flowers as icing on the cake!
You go for sustainability
BelAkker is part of
Groot Eiland, an organisation that provides training for people that are far from the labour market. Planting, weeding and harvesting are done with the help of employees in labour care or in work experience training. You harvest locally produced, organically grown flowers.
Send an email to and get all the information!
General terms and conditions
PIQUE-NIK in the fields @Fleurakker
Cooking and dining together outdoors, in the idyllic setting of flower farm FleurAkker in Jette; that is the concept of PIQUE-NIK in the fields, a collaboration between Groot Eiland and Franket vzw. Franket promotes sustainable food and focuses on social cohesion through cooking workshops and events. Raising awareness and connecting go hand in hand. If you want to get to work with friends or colleagues under expert guidance using local products, and enjoy a delicious meal together in a beautiful green part of Brussels, please contact Stephanie of Franket at
As part of our employment care offer in urban agriculture, Groot Eiland is a supporting partner of the
Soins Verts - Groene Zorg project.